Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Revised RSO STORY by Lela Coker and Chasity Taylor

They worked countless hours behind the scenes to make sure the events sponsored by the Office of New Student Programming were successful. Because of the group’s hard work and dedication, Roderick Wilson decided to take the steps to form a new recognized organization on campus.

“We help coordinate the office’s events like Freshman Connection, the FYI Challenge and the Freshman Family Reunion,” Wilson said.

Wilson decided to start the paperwork to make Demon VIP a recognized student organization.

“We were doing everything RSOs were doing, but we weren’t getting the same perks as RSOs,” Wilson said.

Demon VIP was one of four new RSOs in the spring semester. The three others were Demon Punks, Gamers Guild and NSU Connectors. To become an RSO, a packet must be completed online and then a meeting is set up with the potential new organization and the committee on organizations.

“That meeting determines if the organization becomes active,” Associate Director of Student Activities and Organizations Yonna Pasch said.

Recognized student organizations have many benefits, including financial benefits from the Student Government Association.

With over 100 organizations ranging from Greek organizations, honor societies, religious groups, special interest groups and service oriented groups there is something for everyone.

"I would encourage students to be involved in RSOs because it ads to the college experience,” Pasch said. “The Department of Student Activities wants to have students engaged in extra curricular activities.”

2007 RSO Awards Banquet Results
• Special program of the Year: Helping Hand’s 6th Annual Black History Program
• Student Leader of the Year: Allison McCloud from Blue Key Honor Society
• Advisor of the Year: Dr. Cathy Seymour, advisor of Phi Mu Fraternity
• Outstanding Student Organization: Louisiana Scholar’s College Forum

Original RSO Story

They worked countless hours behind the scenes to make sure the events sponsored by the Office of New Student Programming were successful. Because of the group’s hard work and dedication, Roderick Wilson decided to take the steps to form a new recognized organization on campus.
“We help coordinate the office’s events like Freshman Connection, the FYI Challenge and the Freshman Family Reunion,” Wilson said.
Wilson decided to start the paperwork to make Demon VIP a recognized student organization.
“We were doing everything RSOs were doing, but we weren’t getting the same perks as RSOs,” Wilson said.
Demon VIP was one of four new RSOs in the spring semester. The three others were Demon Punks, Gamers Guild and NSU Connectors. To become an RSO, a packet must be completed online and then a meeting is set up with the potential new organization and the committee on organizations.
"That meeting determines if the organization becomes active,” Associate Director of Student Activities and Organizations Yonna Pasch said.
Recognized student organizations have many benefits, including financial benefits from the Student Government Association.
With over 100 organizations ranging from Greek organizations, honor societies, religious groups, special interest groups and service oriented groups there is something for everyone.
"I would encourage students to be involved in RSOs because it ads to the college experience,” Pasch said. “The Department of Student Activities wants to have students engaged in extra curricular activities.”

2007 RSO Awards Banquet Results
Special program of the Year- Helping Hand’s 6th Annual Black History Program
Student Leader of the Year- Allison McCloud from Blue Key Honor Society
Advisor of the Year- Dr. Cathy Seymour, advisor of Phi Mu Fraternity
Outstanding Student Organization- Louisiana Scholar’s College Forum

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