Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who said school (life) gets easier?

Every time I tell my mom school is just getting to me she says, "it will get easier." Well, I am in the dead middle of the semester and it isn't getting much better.

I am very overwhelmed. Most of that is my fault for stretching myself to thin when it comes to extra-curricular activities, taking one to many classes and not being able to tell people know when they need a hand (even if I can't afford to give them a foot). Now that the 288 page yearbook is completely done I do feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. But, knowing me, I can't enjoy it for more than a minute before I realize everything else I was behind in. Before I know it I seem to be busier than I was before the yearbook was over. I know there are ways to fix this like time management skills, prioritizing, delegating tasks and most importantly learning how to say no. It's always easier said than done.

Then there's the constant pressure of worrying about my grades, finding an internship, choosing a minor because I'm not happy with the one I have and wondering if I will ever graduate on time. Again, I know how to fix this. I can't dwell on the things I have no control over and it wouldn't hurt to roll with the punches every now and then.

So maybe my life won't get any easier. That's fine. I can deal with that. I won’t, however, let it get me down. I'm going to make more time for the things that make me happy because I don't do that enough. There is going to be more reading, more golfing, more running, more napping and more surrounding myself by the people who are the best at building me up. So as of March 4, 2008 my new year has begun.