Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Panhellenic Recruitment

This year, the Panhellenic Council hosted recruitment the week before school starts.

“The reason we started rush early was because the chapters wanted to make it easier for potential new members and the chapter members," Lindsay Maggio, Recruitment Director said. "If rush was earlier, they could concentrate on rush instead of all of the new hustle and bustle of a new school year."

Recruitment is important for all four of the sororities. Gaining new members is what keeps the sorority alive. Recruitment is also a way for the Potential New Members (PMN's) to meet other students before school starts.

4 Days of Rush
  • DAY 1, Open House: PNM's visit each sorority in order to meet the members, ask questions, learn about their history and other aspects that set them apart.

  • DAY 2, Philanthropy Day: PNM's learn about each sorority's Philanthropy and other service projects.

  • DAY 3, Theme Day: PNM's revisit their top three choices. The sorority's perform a brief skit and continue to get acquainted with PNM's.

  • DAY 4, Preferential Tea and Bid Day: PMN's begin the day with Preferential Tea, where they go to their top two choices and get a glimpse of the softer side of the sorority. Bids are passed out later that evening and Bid Day Parties follow.
Gamma Chi's

Gamma Chi's serve as recruitment counselors for the week of recruitment. Gamma Chis serve as a role model and friend to the PNM's. The women are representative of the four sororities; however, they must disaffiliate from their sororities beginning the last day of the spring semester and re-affiliate on Bid Day. By disaffiliating, the Gamma Chi's are more neutral throughout the week.

Recruitment Results

“Rush was very successful this year,” Maggio said. “We had an increase in young women going through Rush. Also, we had a high retention rate. I think that everyone liked that Rush was earlier."

Phi Mu pledge, freshman Samantha Sistrunk said, “Going through rush was definitely a life changing experience. I am now more outgoing and I have been able to get gain better friendships."

By Cam Owens, edited by Lela Coker